Web site by Craig Slaughter © 2009 | Designed by Ted Phelps - hookfactor.com
This is not an official USMC site.
Guidelines For Submitting
Pictures and Stories
Republic of South Vietnam - August 1965
For those that would like to submit personal recollections and/or pictures of Operation Starlite it is requested that they be sent directly to Ted Phelps at tedphelps@i33.org for inclusion within this site. Graphic descriptions are not necessary and we reserve the right to edit accordingly.
It is imperative that names be submitted along with any pictures. DO NOT write on the pictures themselves. Identify any and all personnel that may be within a specific picture.... making sure to identify them from left to right ...as you look at the picture. For those that may not be identified by name, a ? will be acceptable. Hopefully, someone will be able to ID them later on.
Any and all submissions will be properly credited to those that participate with this project. Specify if you want to be able to be contacted directly by other viewer's of the web site or not. If we receive requests on how to contact an individual, we will e-mail the individual that specific request and you may/may not reply directly to the person seeking that information.
For those that served with other Units other than 3/3...PLEASE be sure to include your name, rank and your actual Unit you served with. Exact Unit designation is paramount.